

单词 112
释义 112BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
one hundred and twelve,一百一十二
As a result, Mr Cagan's estimate of$326 billion of repossessed mortgages translates into roughly$112 billion of losses, spread over several years.
结果是在几年内, Cagan估计的3260亿美元被收回的贷款会转变成大约1120亿美元的损失。 ecocn

In January1977, in company with Ethel Johnson Meyers, he went round112 Ocean Avenue in Amityville, Long Island.
1977年1月,他和埃塞尔•约翰逊•梅耶一并探访长岛阿米提维尔的海洋大道112号。 ecocn

So, here's the syllabus: two big blocks, first block general principles of chemistry,1 and that's the same whether you take 3.091 or5.111 or5.112.

The coaster plunges passengers down112 degrees before twisting through a series of tight turns with the whole ride lasting for only38 seconds.
整个过山车之旅仅需38秒钟,几经拐弯后从高空112度角几乎垂直落下。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

“ The oldest snake remains are dated to112 to94 million years ago, and this snake is dated to around90 million years ago,” she explained.
她解释说:“现存最古老的蛇可以上溯了112到94百万年,这种蛇只可以上溯到90百万年”。 yeeyan

American households have already chipped their debts down to112% of annual disposable income, according to Haver Analytics, from a peak of127% in 2007.
据 HAVER ANALYTICS透露,美国家庭已经将他们的债务从09年127%的顶点削减到了年人均可支配收入的112%。 ecocn

Another intriguing piece of info: because there are1.5 billion images in Google, you would need112 million floppy disks if you wanted to store them all.
另一个耐人寻味的信息: Google有150亿图片,如果你想将他们全部保存,需要1亿1200万张软盘。 yeeyan

As the LTTE fought its final, doomed battle,112 ex- fighters arrived there, fresh from combat, aged between14 and 29.
在和 LTTE最后一战后,112名前 LTTE成员来到了该保护康复中心。 他们年龄都在14岁至29岁之间。 ecocn

Average agglomerated iron ore prices rose112% from the first quarter2010, according to Brazil’s Ministry of Development and Trade.
巴西的发展与贸易部门表示凝聚铁矿的平均价格自2010的第一季度上涨了112%。 yeeyan

He spoke from the East Room of the White House with just112 hours left in office.
在距卸任只剩112小时的时候,他在白宫的东房发表了讲话。 blog.sina.com.cn

In Issue112 of this newsletter, on December28,2008, a map showing snow- cover changes showed the wobble.
在2008年12月28日发布的第112期新闻简报里有一幅显示了冰雪覆盖变化的地图就表示出了地球的摆动。 blog.sina.com.cn

That skid included a112-105 loss at Dallas, a game the Lakers lost despite40 points from Bryant and 56.3 percent shooting from the field.
那次连败中就包括输给小牛那场。尽管科比命中率高达56.3%,全场拿下40分,湖人还是以112:105不敌小牛。 bbs.tbba.com.cn

The Dow tumbled18% last week, the biggest one- week decline in the average's112- year history.
道琼斯指数上周累计下挫18%,创下该指数112年历史以来的最大周跌幅。 blog.sina.com.cn

The study did have some limitations, sampling more women and city residents—152 urban districts compared to112 rural villages.
研究确实带有局限性。 比如,测试中女性和城市居民偏多——152座城市和112个村庄。 yeeyan

The team studied112 pairs of Israeli twins in which one weighed at least20 percent more than the other. The twins were born in2004 and2005.
该小组研究了112组以色列双胞胎,其中一方至少比另一方重20%以上。这些双胞胎出生在2004和2005年。 transcn

We have sent a provisional confirmation to112.
我们寄送一个临时的确认信给112。 kekenet




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