

单词 summaries
释义 sum·ma·ry 英'sʌməri美'sʌməri COCA²⁵⁰⁵⁴BNC¹⁹²⁴²
C 摘要,概要

brief account giving the chief points

A 即刻的,立即的

done or given immediately, without attention to details or formal procedure


sloppy; careless

A 概括的; 简要的

giving the main points only; brief

a brief statement that presents the main points in a concise form;

he gave a summary of the conclusions

performed speedily and without formality;

a summary execution

summary justice

briefly giving the gist of something;

a short and compendious book

a compact style is brief and pithy

succinct comparisons

a summary formulation of a wide-ranging subject

summary, abstract, digest, outline


1.从原始材料上说:summary和outline用于任何一篇文章; abstract用于一篇学术或法律方面比较艰深或复杂的文章; 而digest则用于来源不同的若干篇文章。

2.从含义上说:abstract强调简洁和实质性内容的集中; summary注重简练,而不刻意追求风格或事实、细节; outline侧重“要点”; 而digest则通常不仅要展示原作的精髓,也常常保留原作的语言和风格。

3.从形式上说:abstract, summary和digest都是一篇短文; 而outline则可以是一篇短文,也可以是一些编号或关键性词语。

4.从位置上说:abstract一般位于正文之前; summary和outline既可位于正文之前,也可独立成篇; digest则完全是另一篇文章。

5.从写作时间上说:abstract, summary和digest都是在文章写成之后; 而outline既可以是文章写好后再抽出的要点,也可以是写作之前拟定的提纲。

6.从写作目的上说:abstract, summary和digest都是写给别人看的; 而outline既可以给别人看,也可以供自己使用。








15世纪初期进入英语,直接源自中世纪法语的summarius;最初源自古典拉丁语的summa,意为整个,精髓。in summary总的说来income summary经 本期收益损…product summary产品概览,产品目录…summary conviction即席判决summary table一览表payroll summary工资汇总表,工资总帐…departmental summary单位累计summary data总计数据summary dismissal立即免(撤职, 扼…wages summary经 工资汇总表…news summary新闻摘要summary card总计卡片monthly summary经 月份汇总表…summary counter累加计数器summary punch总计穿孔机,总计穿孔…language summary语言概要summary puncher总计穿孔机
用作名词n.in summary

总的来说,归纳起来as a brief statement of the main points

近义词 hastyshortn.digestadj. compact反义词adj. lengthy
用作名词n.He made a summary of what had been done.他将所做的事情作了个摘要。
I'm giving you a summary of facts.我将概述一下事实。用作形容词adj.
~+ n.He gave a summary account.他给出了简要的说明。
That is a summary and ironic end.那是一个具有概括性和讽刺意味的结局。
He was given the summary punishment.他受到立即的处罚。
She complained about the summary treatment given her.她抱怨对她草率的对待。
用作名词Please write me asummaryof this report.请替我写一份这份报告的摘要。
Yoursummarywill need fleshing out before you present it.你的总结需要增加一些具体材料再交出。用作形容词I went through by asummarymethod.我成功运用了一个简易的方法。
He gave asummaryreport of the day's events.他对一天的事件作了简要的报告。
Such an offence will lead to asummaryfine.这类过错要当场予以罚款。noun.short statement of main points
同义词 analysis,essence,outline,prospectus,recap,rehash,review,rundown,sketch,survey,synopsis,versionabbreviation,abridgment,abstract,brief,capitulation,case,compendium,condensation,conspectus,core,digest,epitome,extract,inventory,nutshell,recapitulation,reduction,report,roundup,run-through,sense,skeleton,syllabusaperçu,long and short of it,pandect,precis,précis,résumé,sum and substance,summing-up,wrap-up
反义词 enlargement,expansion,extension,increaseunabridgement,detail,dissertation,thesis The analysis of log data can be rudimentary, such as simple summaries of basic activity.
对日志数据的分析可能只是初步的,例如基本活动的简单总结。 yeeyan

The publication of summaries of relevant interests following meetings is inconsistent and needs to be made routine.
在会后公布有关利益摘要的做法不够一致,需要变成常规。 who

The two firms say they welcome competition, pointing to their strong search technology and the additional services they provide, such as case summaries and useful precedents.
两家公司都称他们欢迎竞争,言下之意是他们对自家的强大搜索和附加服务项目——比如案例总结和有用的判例——信心满满。 ecocn

All contributions, and a sub- section containing summaries of contributions will be available on the website and in the public domain.
网站的公共域中将提供所有投稿以及一个含有各稿件摘要的小节。 who

Below are brief summaries of each part, because summarizing in greater detail for a 1,000 page book is simply impossible in this column.
下面只是对每部分内容的简要总结,这是因为在这样一个专栏中对一本 1,000页左右的书进行详细总结是不可能的。 ibm

Carnegie was one of the first to provide what he called“ in a nutshell” summaries of the different chapters of his books, a practice that is now almost universal in management writing.
卡耐基是第一个采用他自称为“一言以蔽之”的方式,在他的书中对不同的章节进行摘要的人,而他采用的方式在现代的管理学书中的运用是非常普遍的 ecocn

Change summaries provide methods for DMSs to turn logging on and off, as we'll describe in more detail in the sample application section.
变更摘要提供了让 DMS打开和关闭日志功能的方法,后面的例子中还将详细对其进行介绍。 ibm

Create detailed reports, charts and summaries that portray data quality levels and present recommendations.
创建详细的报告、图表和总结,以描绘数据质量级别和提供建议。 ibm

Following are brief summaries of the results of these studies, offered to highlight the benefits of HTTP compression.
以下是这些研究成果的一个简单总结,从中可以看出 HTTP压缩的优点。 ibm

Following are DB2BATCH run sample summaries illustrating query execution times before and after row compression has been enabled.
以下是 DB2BATCH运行样例摘要,说明启动行压缩之前和之后的查询执行时间。 ibm

In the two panes shown in figure2, there are summaries of the company information and the lead selected.
在图2显示的两个窗格中,显示了所选的潜在客户和公司信息摘要。 ibm

It could be used as a professional web portfolio by including your resume, professional works, career summaries, goals, etc.
它可以作为一个专业的网页投资,你可以写上自己的简历,专业,职业总结,目标等等。 yeeyan

Ivan helped his superior to write summaries of all kinds of reports.
依凡帮助他的上级写各种报告的摘要。 ebigear

Read summaries and biographies of people that have come before you.
阅读在你之前人们的总结和传记。 yeeyan

The newspaper said two other university websites carried what appeared to be summaries of the notice.
这家报纸说另外两所大学的网站刊登了通知的摘要。 yeeyan

These chapter summaries would be useful in highlighting the important points and grounding the larger audience as he was developing his vision.
这些章节的总结对于突出重点和帮助读者理解作者不断发展的思路来说将会非常有用。 ibm

They are not coming from mine they are just summaries of aspects of the discussion.
这并不是我的观点,只是对原有讨论的总结。 open.163.com

Today, we see everything from simple icons changing color and shape to pop-up notifications to detailed summaries from sliding windows.
今天,我们可以看到各式各样的通知方式,从改变颜色或形状的简单图标到弹出式通知再到滑动式窗口中的详细摘要。 ibm

Under each topic heading is a series of article summaries in reverse chronological order.
在每个主题标题下是一系列按逆时间顺序排列的文章摘要。 ibm

We also publish summaries of the economic forecasts of FOMC participants four times a year and release full transcripts of FOMC meetings with a five- year lag.
同时我们每年四次公布会议参与者的经济预测摘要并且在五年后公布会议的全部内容。 yeeyan

When previewing with limited data, authors will notice blank summaries.
当带限制数据预览时,设计人员会注意到有空白摘要。 ibm

Summaries of their work are the result of political negotiations.
他们的工作总结就是政治谈判的结果。 ecocn




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