

单词 Stelzer
释义 Stelzer ˈstelzər COCA¹⁴²⁷⁸³
“The prices of beef and pork have definitely gone up the last few months,” Stelzer says.
“牛肉和猪肉的价格在过去的几个月一直在显著增长吗,” Stelzer说到。 yeeyan

“The prices of steak and pork haudio-videoe definitely gone up the last few months and” Stelzer says.
“牛肉和猪肉的代价在过往的几个月一直在彰着增进吗,” Stelzer说到。 hnotdk

Chef Chris Stelzer directs platters into the dining hall and expertly flips pancakes while a huge, noisy vent wicks up warm, bacon- scented air.
厨师 Chris Stelzer一遍指挥着将大浅盘送到餐厅里去,一般熟练地翻滚着煎饼,巨大而喧闹的通风口处不断排放着温暖的、飘荡着咸肉味的空气。 yeeyan

Plus Ulrich Stelzer inspires with some very original ideas for spring from his demonstration in Essen, Germany.
另外, Ulrich Stelzer在德国埃森的花艺表演中,他启发了一些关于春天的非常原创意念。 huayucity

Stelzer likes to cook the seniors things that remind them of home— meat and potatoes, angus beef, pork loin.
Stelzer喜欢为老人们烹饪那些能让他们想起家的食物——土豆烧肉、安格斯牛肉、猪腰子。 yeeyan




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