

单词 104
释义 104BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
one hundred and four,一百零四
As of June7,2010, the War in Afghanistan has become America’s longest war, lasting104 months, compared to the Vietnam War, which lasted103 months.
截止2010年6月7日,阿富汗战争已经持续了104个月,成为美国历史上最长的战争,而持续了103个月的越南战争屈居第二。 yeeyan

Book me two economy class seats on Jal flight104 to HongKong.
给我订两张去香港的日航104班机的经济舱机票。 hotdic

It is officially announced that the Army casualties were104 killed and300 wounded.
官方公布的军队伤亡数字是:104人死亡,300人受伤。 blog.sina.com.cn

The CAR is one of104 members of the ICC.
中非共和国是国际刑事法庭的104个成员国之一。 ecocn

The number deaths rose to104 of U. S. troops killed in Iraq in October, making it the fourth deadliest month for American troops since the Iraq invasion in 2003.
十月份在伊拉克死亡的美军人数上升到104人,成为2003年美国部队进入伊拉克以来美军死亡人数第四多的一个月。 ept-cn.com

When the dust settled the Rockets had themselves a107-104 win over LA.
尘埃落定,火箭以107比104赢得了与湖人的比赛。 ttnba.com

With a population of more than104 million, Guangdong is currently China's most populous province.
广东省人口超过1.04亿,是目前中国人口第一大省。 yeeyan

Although beyond the scope of LPI Topic104.5, there are some additional attributes available on various filesystems that provide additional capabilities.
虽然这不在 LPI Topic104.5的范围内,但是在提供额外功能的文件系统上还是有些可用的附加属性。 ibm

Domestic sales tax reached 256.78 billion yuan, a rise of16.4% and equivalent to104% of the target.
国内消费税2567.8亿元,增长16.4%,完成预算的104%。 hjenglish

Figures from HFR show that investors withdrew around$104 billion in the first quarter of the year, which was more than7% of the industry’s total assets.
对冲基金研究会的数据显示,今年一季度投资方撤资额大概是1040亿美元,这个数字要比整个行业总资产的70%还多。 ecocn

Government statistics show that117 boys are born for every100 girls in China, well above the average for industrialized countries of between104 and 107 boys for every100 girls.
据政府的有关统计数据显示,目前我国男女出生的性别比例为117:100,大大高于工业化国家104:100至107:100的平均水平。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

In December, the UN passed a resolution, backed by104 states, calling for the first time for a worldwide moratorium on capital punishment.
12月,一项由104个成员国支持提案在联合国得以通过。 这份提案首次号召世界各国停止死刑。 ecocn.org

In the process it garnered a prodigious number of Emmy nominations, the television Oscars—104 this year, far more than anyone else.
在这个过程中,HBO获得了无数“电视界奥斯卡”——艾美奖提名,今年就有104次,远比任何频道都多。 ecocn

Let me think. I believe it's the104 bus.
让我想想。我想是104路公共汽车。 enfamily

Orlando ranked14th in offensive efficiency on Dec.22, at104.2 points per 100 possessions.
奥兰多在12月22日的时候进攻效率排名14,100次进攻能拿下104.2分。 yeeyan

Spending on environmental protection totaled104.03 billion yuan, up 33% and equivalent to 101.2% of the target.
环境保护支出1040.3亿元,增长33%,完成预算的101.2%。 hxen

There are104 nuclear power plants in the United States, which generate about20 percent of America's energy.
在美国有104座核电厂,它们生产美国所须电力的20%左右。 yeeyan

They simply get a letter from me every two years it's reproduced on pages104-105 and call me when they wish.
他们只需要每两年收我的一封信这会在104-105页重述,而且愿意的话打电话给我。 blog.sina.com.cn

This tribute to space shuttle Atlantis, OV-104, hangs in Firing Room4 of the Launch Control Center at NASA's KennedySpace Center in Florida.
这张向亚特兰蒂斯号编号 OV-104献礼的图片悬挂在佛罗里达州 NASA肯尼迪航天中心发射控制中心的4号发射间。 www.astronomy.com.cn

Yet Democratic support also fell, from104 votes in favour last time to only85 this time.
但是民主党的支持也下降了,从上次的104张赞成票降至这次的仅85张。 ecocn




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