

单词 1.00
释义 1.00BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
A value above1.00 indicates some performance penalty for improper alignment.
大于1.00的值表示不合理对齐产生一些性能损失。 ibm

A value of1.00 means no penalty; higher values mean worse performance.
值为1.00时表示没有损失;更高的值则意味着性能下降。 ibm

The results distribute from1.00 to2.90 and among them Wuhan's is the worst.
水质级别分布从1.00到2.90级,精确而客观地反映了汉江水质现状。 cnki

The power of1.00 processing unit is equal to one physical processor.
处理单元的能力与一个物理处理器相等。 ibm

Total Module Weighted Value Exempted1.00.
豁免修读单元加权系数总值1.00。 iveforum.net

While no one expects a change in rates from1.00%, if Trichet remains on his hawkish path we could see a boost to the Euro.
没人预测1.00%的利率会有所改变,但若特里谢延续强硬“传统”,则有望利多欧元。 blog.sina.com.cn

As before, a value of1.00 means no penalty; higher values mean worse performance.
与前面相同,值为1.00时表示没有性能损失;更高的值表示性能下降。 ibm

Consequently, it seems the BoC's decision to keep its policy rate unchanged at1.00% has been correct.
因此,加拿大央行选择维持1.00%的利率水平不变是正确的。 tianya

Her10.00s were displayed as1.00.
她10.00 s 只能被现实成1.00。 blog.sina.com.cn

I did the same with the later versions, but when they released the1.00.11, I couldn't patch it anymore.
然后我又对其后发布的几款驱动进行了修正,不过当他们发布到1.00.11版本之后,我发现我再也无法修改了。 ivemusic

In general, an acid- test ratio of 1.00 is considered safe.
一般来说,酸性测试比率为1.00较安全。 wtokj.com

The Bank of Canada held rates steady at1.00% as expected and noted that Canada's recovery is ' slightly faster than expected'.
加拿大央行如预期维持利率在1.00%并指出,加拿大复苏“略快于预期”。 blog.sina.com.cn

The European Central Bank kept rates on hold at1.00% as expected and ECB President Trichet did not disappoint the hawks.
欧洲央行如预期维持利率在1.00%;行长特里谢没有让强硬派人士失望。 blog.sina.com.cn

The result showed that the DNA fingerprints similarity coefficient between basidiocarps and their mycelia were1.00 by constructing the UPGMA tree chart.
结果表明:松口蘑子实体与分离物的 DNA指纹相似系数为1.00,进而断定分离物为松口蘑菌丝体。 fabiao

The results showed that in 0.50% treatment, broiler performance was the best,1.00% supplement had no significant effects on improving performance.
结果表明,0.50%添加组表现最好,但1.00%添加组对肉鸡生产性能的改善不显著。 cnki

Yesterday the Bank of Canada held its own monetary policy meeting and as expected, kept rates unchanged at1.00%.
昨天加拿大央行召开了他们自己的货币政策会议,正如市场预期,他们维持1.00%的利率不变。 zjjlygl

Your books are overdue for five days. You should pay1.00 Yuan as the fine.
您的书已经过期五天,请缴纳一元罚款。 tianya




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