

单词 habilitation
释义 ha·bil·i·ta·tion 英ˌhæbɪlə'teɪʃən美ˌhæbɪlə'teɪʃən COCA¹²⁰⁰⁶¹BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³iWeb⁴⁶²⁹⁶
At a very practical level, it deals with education, health, habilitation and rehabilitation, and the right to work and to an adequate standard of living.
处理好教育,健康,投资,和康复,达到非常实用的水平,使生活水平达到足够好的标准。 iask.sina.com.cn

Objective To discuss the habilitation experience of cerebral vascular diseaseCVD in community sanitary service.
目的探讨在社区服务中有关脑血管疾病的康复经验。 cnki

Objective To study the role of continuing nursing care in habilitation of discharged patients after total cystectomy for urethra reconstruction.
目的探讨延续护理在膀胱全切尿路改道术后出院患者康复中的作用。 www.301xuebao.com.cn

Results The continuing nursing care time of patients was positively related with their medical knowledge about habilitation.
结果延续护理时间与患者对康复知识的知晓程度成正比; www.301xuebao.com.cn

The faculty system in Germany based on habilitation, private lecturer and chair system has undergone some changes along the vicissitude of this country.
以大学授课资格制、编外讲师制及讲座教授制为核心的德国高校教师制度随着时代的变迁发生了一定程度的变革。 dictall

The Habilitation was done in the field of environmental engineering with a thesis dealing with road traffic related air pollution.
因其课题而所授于的衔头牵涉到环境工程,这是与道路交通空气污染有关的。 stec




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