

单词 1.23
释义 1.23BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
The reason for choosing1.23 microns for the thickness of the silver is that it is twice the average wavelength of visible light.
选择1.23微米作为薄银层的厚度是因为这个数值是可见光平均波长的两倍。 yeeyan

The articles of charter surrender shall take effect on the effective time provided in section1.23.
交还营业执照的条目自本法第1.23节中规定的生效工夫起生效。 fybdown

The articles of nonprofit conversion shall be delivered to the secretary of state for filing, and shall take effect at the effective time provided in section1.23.
非营利性转化条目该当提交给州务卿立案,并根据第1.23节规定的生效工夫生效。 fybdown

The Standard&Poor's500 index rose1.23, or 0.1 percent, to1,081.52, while the Nasdaq composite index rose0.64, or less than0.1 percent, to2, 177.48.
标准普尔500指数上涨1.23点,涨幅0.1%,至1081.52点,纳斯达克综合指数上涨0.64点,涨幅小于0.1%,至2177.48点。 yeeyan

This compared with35 deaths5.5 per cent from coronary heart disease or stroke in the non- aspirin group hazard ratio1.23.
非阿司匹林组,35人百分之五点五死于冠心病或中风危害比为1.23 。 dxy

Compared with the2005 benchmark, it reduced by 3.66 percent in 2007 and1.23 percent in 2006, which failed to meet the annual target.
但与2005年的基准相比,2007年此指数降低了3.66%,2006年减少了1.23%,这两年均没有达到每年的目标。 yeeyan

Energy consumption, however, fell only1.23 percent last year, well short of the annual goal of four percent.
然而,去年的能源消耗仅下降了1.23%,和年目标相差四个百分点。 blog.sina.com.cn

For example, in the United States, each person uses5.94 metric tons of carbon vegetation per year, while in South- central Asia, people use1.23 metric tons per year.
例如,在美国,人们每年的人均植物纤维利用量为5.94吨,然而在亚洲南部中心地带,每年人均利用量是1.23吨。 yeeyan

In fact, part of our battle platform has been already upgraded to1.23, like ZMR and part rooms of CGA.
实际上我们的一些对战平台已经更新到1.23了,像掌门人和浩方一部分房间。 playdota

In one machine, for example, mistakenly entering a number with two decimal points— like1.2.3— might be read by the machine as1.23, or as a123.
举个例子,在一台机器上错误地输入含有两个小数点的数字,比如1.2.3,它可能被机器识别为1.23或者123。 yeeyan

Precisely cylindrical rollers and raceways, however, would lead to peak stresses at the roller and raceway ends Figure1.23, which might reduce the bearing life.
然而,精确的圆柱滚子或滚道将会导致在滚子和滚道的边缘产生峰值应力图1.23,从而缩减轴承寿命。 blog.sina.com.cn

The results show that the multitasking parallel computing technique makes5-day NWP completed at least60 min-utes ahead of time and its speed-up factor is equal to1.23.
计算结果表明:采用并行计算技术使日常的5天数值天气预报业务作业至少提前60分钟完成,其加速因子为1.23。 cnki

The upper limit of the confidence intervals for both hazard ratios excluded the predefined non inferiority margin of1.23.
两组风险比可信区间的上限值不包括预定的非劣效性检验界限值1.23。 dxy

The plan also calls for an increase in research and development spending from its current1.23% of GDP to2.5% by 2020, putting China in the same range as OECD countries' current scores.
该发展规划还要求将研发投人从目前占GDP的:1.23%增加:到2020年的2.5%,使中国达到经合组辨闺家目前的水平。 ecocn

Your Web application starts in a Web browser window, as shown in Figure1.23.
您的 Web应用程序在 Web浏览器窗口中启动,如图1.23所示。 ibm




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