

单词 1206
释义 1206BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
The distortions shown in the images would be far weaker if the only mass in MACS1206 was the mass of the stars and planets we can see.
在图中看到的扭曲实际更弱,除非1206号卫星上看到的大量的星星和行星是我们能看到的。 cri

As tribal leaders, in the year 1206 has been pushing for the ministries sweat, known as Genghis Khan.
它作为部落首领,于公元1206年被各部推为大汗,称为成吉思汗。 tianya

Division two years after helping the poor construction, the village per capita income in 2006 from1206 yuan per capita rose to2134 yuan in 2008.
经过分区两年的扶贫建设,该村人均收入已由2006年的人均1206元上升到2008年的2134元。 cnfol

During the Yuan Dynasty A. D.1206-1368 China was ruled by the Mongolian people.
在元朝, 作文大全网蒙古人统治中国。 blog.sina.com.cn

Eight hundred years after he declared the Great Mongolian State in1206, Genghis Khan rides again, all250 stainless-steel tons of him.
1206年,他向全世界宣告了大蒙古帝国的建立,800年后,成吉思汗再次君临天下,塑造他的是重达250吨的不锈钢。 yeeyan

For example, the following binary number can be expressed, just like the decimal number1206, as a sum of each cipher value times its respective weight constant.
例如,下面的二进制数可以表示,就像十进制数1206,作为每一个值密码倍其各自的权的常数。 blog.sina.com.cn

Galaxy clusters like MACS1206 are perfect laboratories for studying dark matter's gravitational effects because they are the most massive structures in the universe.
像 MACS1206这种星系团是研究暗物质的引力效应的绝佳实验室,因为它们有宇宙中最大规模的结构。 yeeyan

Genghis Khan united the tribes living in Mongolian grasslands in 1206.
1206年,成吉思汗统一了生活在蒙古草原的部落。 iciba

In the 13th century, the Mongolians established the united multi- ethnic Great Yuan Empire1206-1368.
公元十三世纪,蒙古族建立起统一的多民族的大元1206—1368年帝国。 iciba

Methods1206 patients were analysed by retrospective studies according to ages, sexes, operation trauma, time of operation if more than3 hours, seasons, type of anesthesia.
方法根据患者的年龄、性别、手术创伤大小、手术时间是否超过3小时、季节、麻醉方式,对1206份腹部手术病例进行了回顾性调查分析。 cnki

The astronomers say the distortions produced by MACS1206 is evidence that the galaxies are largely' made' of dark matter.
天文学家说由1206号卫星导致的光线扭曲是非常明显的,而且银河系大部分都是由暗物质构成的。 cri

The SMD1206 product line is suitable for high density circuit board applications in computers, cellular phone and general electronics.
这些产品适合于高密电路板,应用于电脑,手机和一般电子商品。 hhl-tech

The study included2397 patients with baseline hypertension:1191 in20 intervention facilities and1206 in20 control facilities.
该研究包括2397例符合基本条件的高血压患者,其中1191例在20个干预机构,而另外的1206例则在20个对照机构。 who

When Genghis took power in1206, Mongolian tribes lived in tents, which they moved while migrating across the grasslands with their livestock.
当他在1206年夺权的时候,蒙古部落还是生活在帐篷里的,在牲畜迁徙时帐篷会随之一起搬走。 yeeyan

In 1206, Genghis Khan established the Mongolian Khanate.
1206年,成吉思汗建立蒙古汗国。 estudychinese




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